Bring the best experience in Japan to your home


What are your shipping rates?

・Flat Rate Shipping $19.50 for US
・Free Shipping in US for Orders $200+

For all other countries, shipping costs are calculated automatically at the checkout page when both the destination and shipping method are selected.

I want to return my order.

For food items, unfortunately, due to the nature of the product, we are unable to accept returns unless the item is damaged. If its not food, please email us! info@omakasetokyo.com

Can I cancel or change an order?

Unfortunately it is not possible to cancel, add or change anything in your order, including changing payment methods or shipping information of any kind. This is because we reserve your items and start processing your order shortly after you place it.However, if you have made a mistake or accidentally placed a duplicate order there is a 1-hour window where you can request to cancel your order. If the order has already been shipped or 60-minutes have passed, you'll need to follow our returns process.

I made a mistake filling in my information and details. What do I do?

If your package has not yet left our warehouse, please contact us immediately and we will make the necessary changes to your order. However, please note that we cannot make any changes after one hour of placing the order.

International orders and customs fees

When goods are imported into a different country, there may be extra charges called customs and import duties that apply. We have no control over these charges, and we can't tell you what the cost would be, as customs policies and import duties vary widely from country to country. For more information, please check with your country’s customs office to determine what these additional costs might be.Please note that if a customs duty is payable to your territory, you'll be responsible for paying it to the authorities. If customs clearance procedures are required, it can cause delays beyond the original delivery estimates

Do you offer free shipping?

・Free Shipping in US for Orders $200+

Free shipping will be calculated automatically at the checkout page.

I have received an email from the courier service. What do I do?

If you are to receive any email from the courier company, please reach out to us as soon as possible and we would be happy to take care of any additional paperwork or concerns.

Are your products authentic?

We source all of our products directly from Japanese manufacturers and inspect all of our products for authenticity and quality assurance before they leave our warehouse in Japan. If you notice any flaws or defects in your products after you receive them, please feel free to reach out to us and we will contact the manufacturer directly.

I can’t read my product’s instructions. What do I do?

Please feel free to reach out to us anytime for instructions or clarification. info@omakasetokyo.com